
Followup: EU data protection

After reading my previous post on data privacy in the EU you may need some convincing because I didn’t give any solid proof for the allegations. It also focussed on German law so, I’ll use this post to connect the two.

There are some efforts to reform data protection regulations in the union., a platform for citizen oversight, publishes some interesting insights: obtained about 11.000 pages of classified EU documents and a number of classified German diplomatic cables on the EU data protection reform. In addition to publishing many of the documents, also shows which national governments are working on lowering or raising data protection laws in Europe.

Let’s just picture the scene:

For the incomprehensible sheep: German’s government thugs are the driving force behind contributions to the data protection reform which are detriment to the sovereign’s will and, to use more populist words, the technology location Germany.

Sheep, do you see the irony here? Them wanting to keep their political actions secret while having your data be insecure?

Can you see it, people? Do you understand that this is not a partisan issue? That you won’t be making any difference whatsoever by electing anybody else? Is this entering you fucking head?

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