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recent contributions on github
- gen-smtp/gen_smtp
- gregschmit/recurring_select
- geerlingguy/ansible-role-filebeat
- Podcastindex-org/web-ui
- substancelab/capistrano-remote
- molybdenum-99/mormor
- hotwired/stimulus
- kevquirk/
- garritfra/
- doctrine/orm
- drone/drone-plugin-index
- geerlingguy/ansible-role-nodejs
- lucascudo/laravel-pt-BR-localization
- Drillster/drone-email
- SeleniumHQ/selenium
- rbague/stimulus-check-all
- geerlingguy/ansible-role-munin
- geerlingguy/ansible-role-nginx
- derJD/ansible-podman
- smlloyd/ansible-role-minio_podman
- afcapel/stimulus-autocomplete
- MiniProfiler/rack-mini-profiler
- palkan/store_attribute
- smartinez87/exception_notification
- jaimeiniesta/metainspector
- hanami/mailer
- rails/rails
- railslove/rack-tracker
- ruby/ruby
- ruby/date
- milligram/
- RaspAP/raspap-webgui
- hanami/model
- Homebrew/homebrew-cask-versions
- dlundgren/ansible-freebsd-modules
- go-gitea/gitea
- gocardless/ibandit
- jayzes/cucumber-api-steps
- hanami/view
- heiseonline/shariff
- basecamp/geared_pagination
- rgeo/activerecord-postgis-adapter
- cliss/accidentalbot
- ankane/camo-ruby
- gjtorikian/html-pipeline
- schubergphilis/chef-acme
- mattheworiordan/capybara-screenshot
- seiyria/bootstrap-slider
- zzet/rbenv
- docker-library/ruby
- drone/docs
- harness/gitness
- octopress/deploy
- lra/mackup
- ksuther/KSScreenshotManager
- ejschmitt/delayed_job_web
- hyperoslo/capistrano-foreman
- CocoaPods/Specs
- peterc/pismo
- benschwarz/amnesia
- midnox/compass-retina
- codykrieger/ace-rails-ap